How does it work with all those property owners and managers? Rembrandt Propco, Haavens and Hoen?
The owner of the home you’re living in is Rembrandt Propco. Rembrandt Propco is the legal entity, owner and as such the official lessor. Rembrandt Propco is owned by funds of Blackstone. Rembrandt Propco has appointed Haavens to represent its interests in the Netherlands, but is not the owner of Haavens. Haavens was established in April 2019 as local developer and asset manager of these residential portfolios. Hoen Vastgoedbeheer works together with Haavens in managing the portfolio. Hoen supports Haavens in matters such as rent payments and urgent technical issues.
Wat is jullie beleggingstermijn?
Rembrandt Propco investeert met een zeer lange beleggingshorizon. Dit fonds is op zoek naar stabiel, zeker en langetermijnrendement, vergelijkbaar met investeringsoverwegingen van onze eigen Nederlandse pensioenfondsen. Wij zijn gebaat bij stabiliteit. De aanpak is gericht op een hoge bezettingsgraad, gebaseerd op een positieve langetermijnrelatie met huurders, niet op vervanging van huurders.
Waar kan ik een melding maken over een klacht over een van jullie partners?
Mocht je een klacht hebben over een van de partners waar Haavens mee samenwerkt, dan kun je deze kenbaar maken op de website van Haavens. Partners kunnen zijn de makelaars, aannemer of Vastgoedbeheerder Hoen.
Where can I send a complaint concerning one of your partners?
If you have a complaint about one of the partners that Haavens works with, please send it to us via the Haavens website. Partners can be the real estate agents, contractors or property manager Hoen.
How can I contact Hoen if I have an urgent service request
If the problem is a matter of urgency, you can report it via My Haavens Service on telephone number (020) – 305 44 77. If it concerns an urgent service request outside office hours, our after-hours service team will make sure the report is forwarded to the right person.
Maintenance is overdue in my building. What should I do? How do I submit a request for major maintenance?
You can inform us of your maintenance concerns through the communication channels of My Haavens Service.
Someone did maintenance work in my home but I haven’t heard anything since. What now?
We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. Despite the procedures that are in place, it can still occasionally happen that you aren’t updated on the work status. To always keep you informed, we would like to ask you to provide a status update via the app – as soon as you have made your report, we will get to work for you.
Am I responsible for maintenance?
It depends. In My Rental Guide you can find which maintenance work you are and aren’t responsible for. The guide explains in detail what your responsibilities are as a tenant and what the obligations are of the landlord. If the landlord is responsible for the work in your situation, you can submit the maintenance report in My Haavens Service.
My home has defects or shortcomings. How can I report them?
You can inform us of your maintenance issues through the communication channels of My Haavens Service.
When I move in, do I have to arrange my own water, gas and electricity connection?
As a tenant you are responsible for your own water, gas and electricity supply, unless otherwise stated in your contract. If you need any help, you’ll find most answers in My Rental Guide.
My Home
I would like to have central heating. How can I submit my request?
If you would like to have central heating in your home, you can let us know through My Haavens Service. We will be happy to discuss the options with you.
What about fire safety in the home?
Our main priority is to ensure that all homes meet all fire safety regulations. If you suspect that there is a safety issue in your home, please let us know as soon as possible via My Haavens Service. We will get in touch with you to discuss further action.
Is there any lead in the pipework of the home?
If you have a suspicion that your home still has lead pipes, please let us know by reporting it via My Haavens Service. We will then take lead samples.
I received a letter saying I am not allowed to use the hoist beams. What does this mean?
As we cannot guarantee the safety of the hoist beams and because using them poses a potential risk both for the user and for third parties, all hoist beams are being inspected. Until completion of the inspection and approval, it is not permitted to use the hoist beams unless informed otherwise by us.
How do I arrange an internet, television and telephone connection in my home?
As a tenant you are responsible for arranging your own internet, television and telephone connection, unless otherwise stated in your contract. In renovated buildings, your landlord has made all the necessary preparations. If you need any help, you’ll find most answers in My Rental Guide.
Do I need to be insured as a tenant?
We certainly recommend getting insurance for your household contents, third-party liability and legal assistance.
Do I have to register with the municipality when I move in as a tenant?
Yes, the tenancy contract states that you need to inform the municipality where you reside.
Am I allowed to put my things in the stairwell?
No, mainly due to fire safety regulations, the stairwell is not intended as a storage area.
Something has broken in the stairwell. How can I report this issue?
You can report this through any of the communication channels in My Haavens Service.